The Tyee – Why We Shouldn’t Ban Shark Fin (but should Boycott it instead)

The Tyee – Why We Shouldn’t Ban Shark Fin (but should Boycott it instead)

This article comes from BC Newspaper and outlines why New Westminster-Coquitlam MP Fin Donnelly’s new bill to ban the import of shark fin into Canada is not an efficient and cost-effective method to reduce the occurrence of shark finning. The author, Anna Ling Kaye, suggests that it is difficult and expensive to enforce a ban, and making shark fin illegal will only cause the prices to keep increasing. Instead she points out the successes of “Shark Truth”, Canadian non-profit organization, which is leading the fight against the use of shark fins. She states that widespread social change is necessary to change the way we eat, and only with increased awareness of the public through campaigns and insistence of restaurants to take shark-fin soup off the menu can we reduce and hopefully eliminate instance of shark-finning.

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